Join us for Worship
We will worship together Sunday morning at 9:00am and 10:45am services. Please join us!
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
What to Expect
On Sunday mornings, we worship God through music, teaching God's Word, observing communion & baptism, & sharing testimony of God's work in us & around the world.

We're led in worship by a contemporary band, often with orchestra & choir. Our music mixes contemporary praise & worship with traditional hymns in a blend of reflective & expressive styles.

Preaching Style
Our teaching is most often expositional, nurturing passages of God's Word verse-by-verse.

Come as you are! We welcome casual dress, formal dress, & everything in between.

Services are about 75 minutes long.
Info for Parents
GraceKids ministers to families with children newborn - 5th grade. It is our desire to see each child grow to the point where they will “put their trust in God," "not forget His deeds," but "keep His commands” (Psalm 78:7). From regular weekly ministries to special summer events, we aim to help children newborn–5th grade “grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)
Preteens & teens 6th–12th grade are welcome to join our GraceStudents student ministries. Ablaze ministers to middle school students, & Radiate ministers to high school students.
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More About Grace
Learn more about who we are & what we believe.