The Mission of GraceStudents
Grace Student Ministries exist to spread a passion for the glory of God displayed in the gospel of Jesus Christ by learning God’s Word, living God’s way, and lighting God’s world.

We uphold the Word of God as the foundation and authoritative source for the entire ministry. This focus encourages students and leaders to develop habits that teach them to know, love, and serve the Triune God who has revealed himself in Scripture.

We believe the gospel is the heartbeat of our ministry and the driving force behind everything we do. We teach students to understand, love, articulate, apply, and share the gospel knowing that it is the message of the gospel that saves and sanctifies God’s church.

We champion a healthy and desirable view of the local church as the assembly of God’s people growing together as disciples of Christ. We demonstrate the joy of following Jesus together to establish the trajectory of life-long service within the local church.

We celebrate and support every parent’s role as the primary disciple-maker in the life of a child. We see the family as a means by which God displays the gospel in the world so we strive to equip our parents as they faithfully shepherd their children through this stage of life.

We believe God has chosen to advance his gospel throughout the world by teaching his people to make disciples. We emphasize leader to student and student to student discipling relationships as a means to prepare participants for life-long multiplication of Christ-followers.

We are driven to see a passion for the glory of God spread to the nations. We equip and enable students to share the gospel with those around them and with those around the world. We desire to see more people worship King Jesus and will labor to that end until his return.
Middle School | 6th–8th Grades
Sundays 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Text @ablazegbc to 81010 to get text updates
High School | 9th–12th Grades
Sundays 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Text @radiategbc to 81010 to get text updates