Finding Your Church Family
Before starting the process, watch our "Who We Are" video series to learn about Grace's background, distinctives, and practices. In addition, take the opportunity to read about Grace's beliefs and core values.
The Pathway to Membership
We're glad you're considering membership at Grace! We believe the local church is a vital part of God's work in the world. In addition to full membership, we offer associate membership to college students, military families, and others who want to formally join our church family for a limited time while still staying members of their home church. (You must already be a member of a church to apply for associate membership.)
Next Steps Course
This 4-week course is offered on Sunday mornings and provides a great opportunity to learn more about Grace, to discover God's design for the local church, and to connect with other newcomers.
Sign UpApplication
Start the process by submitting an application. This application can also be used for those who are wanting to give public profession of their faith and identify with Christ and his church through baptism.
After receiving your application, we'll schedule an interview for you with a couple of our elders. We'll ask about your testimony of faith & potential areas of church ministry where you could serve.
Baptism PolicyCongregational Vote
Grace members will be given the opportunity to hear your testimony and affirm your membership.
Contact Us
Questions about membership or need more info? Let us know!