The mission of Grace Baptist Church is to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.
Our Anchors


Our History
1953 | 2 freshman at Cedarville College desire to start a local church. The new church begins meeting in Room 23 of the Cedarville College Administration building, with college faculty members taking turns speaking at weekly services. After several months, the small congregation moves their services to the college chapel. |
1954 | The church is officially organized as Grace Baptist Church, with 28 people signing the charter membership roll. Grace is recognized & accepted into the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches (OARBC) & the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC). |
1956 | Grace approves its first full-time pastor, who leads the church in beginning its first community outreach ministry & supporting its first missionaries. |
1961 | Grace buys the former Reformed Presbyterian Church building & moves its operations there. The church also buys a nearby house for children’s Sunday School classes. Grace is now supporting 17 missionaries. |
1970 | A 3-story educational addition is built. Children’s ministries move into the new addition. |
1982 | A new sanctuary, started in 1980, is finished & dedicated. |
1995 | A small building is added to the side of the church for youth ministries. |
1999 | The Grace Family Center, started in 1997, is finished & dedicated, doubling the size of the building space. |
Today | Grace is an independent Baptist body with over 700 members. We have over 20 ministries for all ages, partner with 5 community organizations, & support 35 missionaries. Grace continues the legacy begun over 60 years ago of learning God’s Word, living God’s way, & lighting God’s world. |
Who We Are
We've put together a series of short videos to help acquaint you with who we are–our beliefs, backgrounds, & practices–especially if you're considering membership.
Learn MoreOur Beliefs & Core Values
Our members believe & affirm truths that believers through the ages have considered essential for orthodox Christian faith as given in the Scriptures. In addition, the fabric of Grace is woven with 6 common threads–our core values– that we strive to weave into every ministry, program, activity, & pursuit.
Learn More